
Medal Statistics in the Olympic Games: A case of power-laws?

Olympic games: a statistical analysis

Dynamic scaling and stochastic fractal in nucleation and growth processes

A class of nucleation and growth models of a stable phase is investigated for various different growth velocities. It is shown that for growth velocities v≈s(t)/t and v≈x/τ(x), where s(t) and τ are the mean domain size of the metastable phase …

Power-law distribution in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases

COVID-19 is an emerging respiratory infectious disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It was first reported on in early December 2019 in Wuhan, China and within three months spread as a pandemic around the whole globe. Here, we study …

Length–volume relationship of lake phytoplankton

The shapes of phytoplankton units (unicellular organisms and colonies) are extremely diverse, and no unique relationship exists between their volume, V, and longest linear dimension, L. However, an approximate scaling between these parameters can be …

Modeling community assembly on growing habitat islands: a case study on trees and their vascular epiphyte communities

The number of available sites for establishment is a key determinant of species richness on habitat islands. While most theoretical studies assume habitat size or capacity to be constant, many natural habitats are characterized by dynamic growth in …

The complex network of global cargo ship movements

Transportation networks play a crucial role in human mobility, the exchange of goods and the spread of invasive species. With 90 per cent of world trade carried by sea, the global network of merchant ships provides one of the most important modes of …

Zipf’s law in the popularity distribution of chess openings

We perform a quantitative analysis of extensive chess databases and show that the frequencies of opening moves are distributed according to a power law with an exponent that increases linearly with the game depth, whereas the pooled distribution of …