Bernd Blasius
Bernd Blasius
C Feenders
Microbial physiology governs the oceanic distribution of dissolved organic carbon in a scenario of equal degradability
Amino Acid and Sugar Catabolism in the Marine Bacterium Phaeobacter inhibens DSM 17395 from an Energetic Viewpoint
Long-term stability of marine dissolved organic carbon emerges from a neutral network of compounds and microbes
The marine bacterium Phaeobacter inhibens secures external ammonium by rapid buildup of intracellular nitrogen stocks
Complementary metaproteomic approaches to assess the bacterioplankton response toward a phytoplankton spring bloom in the Southern North Sea
Influence of nanoLC column and gradient length as well as MS/MS frequency and sample complexity on shotgun protein identification of marine bacteria
Non-Redfield, nutrient synergy and flexible internal elemental stoichiometry in a marine bacterium
Functional molecular diversity of marine dissolved organic matter is reduced during degradation
High performance CCD camera system for digitalisation of 2D DIGE gels
Evolutionary food web models: effects of an additional resource
Native plasmids restrict growth of Phaeobacter inhibens DSM 17395: energetic costs of plasmids assessed by quantitative physiological analyses
Analysis of membrane–protein complexes of the marine sulfate reducer Desulfobacula toluolica Tol2 by 1D blue native‐PAGE complexome profiling and 2D blue native‐/SDS‐PAGE
Motif analysis in directed ordered networks and applications to food webs